Digital Fuel Level Indicator for Motor Bikes using Arduino Microcontroller

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering |
© 2017 by SSRG - IJECE Journal |
Volume 4 Issue 3 |
Year of Publication : 2017 |
Authors : J Vignesh, V Nijanthan, J Venkateshwaran, K Suresh Kumar and Mrs B. Vidhya |
How to Cite?
J Vignesh, V Nijanthan, J Venkateshwaran, K Suresh Kumar and Mrs B. Vidhya, "Digital Fuel Level Indicator for Motor Bikes using Arduino Microcontroller," SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 13-16, 2017. Crossref,
The precision is always being whole heartedly welcomed by the people all over the world. It has an important application in the field of automobiles to measure and verify the fuel present in the vehicle with high degree of precision. The previous techniques use analog strip or capacitive sensor which is either inefficient to measure or too costly to install. In the proposed method, two Flow sensors are placed linearly, one sensor to measure the amount of fuel entering the tank and another sensor to measure the amount of fuel leaving the tank to the carburettor. The difference between the above measures gives us the amount of fuel present in the tank and it is stored in the arduino Uno microcontroller. It actively keeps the record of the fuel entering the tank and the fuel present in the tank at any given time in the dynamic memory of the arduino and is displayed using LCD display. If the fuel is low, the system suggests the commuter to refuel as soon as possible. If the fuel gets critically low, the system alarms the commuter to refuel immediately. The system has a solenoid valve which replicates the working of a carburettor of the automobile. This proposed method can identify petrol theft and is useful to people who opt for long rides. This system is designed to cut down the cost and increase the level of accuracy.
Flow sensors, Carburettor, Analog strip, capacitive sensor.
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