Designing a Security System Based-on Microcontroller Integrated into the Immobilizer System

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering
© 2019 by SSRG - IJECE Journal
Volume 6 Issue 8
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : Arief Goeritno, Muhammad Yusuf Afandi
How to Cite?

Arief Goeritno, Muhammad Yusuf Afandi, "Designing a Security System Based-on Microcontroller Integrated into the Immobilizer System," SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, vol. 6,  no. 8, pp. 1-11, 2019. Crossref,


The present study indicated that there are two objectives of this paper, namely (a) programming and verification testing and (b) board for a minimum system, integrated wiring, and validation testing. Programming for microcontroller consists is the algorithm and writing of the syntax. Verification tests are three conditions per the existence of the system in detecting (i) but not detected by the PIR sensor because not the original end-user, (ii) but the original end-user has not been present, and (iii) the original end-user has been detected. The minimum system is original of creation provides five main ports with integrated wiring is a connection to all electronic components on the board, so that it is obtained a minimum acquisition for actuator operation. Validation tests are (i) successful in detection, but the original end-user not detected, so that this is according to the function of the PIR sensor; (ii) per the existence of the system in detecting, but the original end-user has not been present so that this is according to the function of the PIR sensor and the fingerprint sensor is ready to detect; and c) per the existence of the system in detecting and the original end-user has been detected, so that this is according to the function of the PIR and fingerprint sensor have detected. As a whole, a minimum system can be used as a preliminary safety that is integrated into the immobilizer system in a vehicle.


Security system based-on microcontroller, Immobilizer system, Vehicle, ATmega32 microcontroller, Passive infrared receiver sensor, Fingerprint sensor.


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