Novel Design and Implementation of Base Line Interferometry Direction Finding Bli Df Algorithm

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering |
© 2014 by SSRG - IJECE Journal |
Volume 1 Issue 8 |
Year of Publication : 2014 |
Authors : Ch. Kameswara Rao Mr.A.K Singh and Dr.S.P Singh |
How to Cite?
Ch. Kameswara Rao Mr.A.K Singh and Dr.S.P Singh, "Novel Design and Implementation of Base Line Interferometry Direction Finding Bli Df Algorithm," SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, vol. 1, no. 8, pp. 14-19, 2014. Crossref,
The electronic warfare receiver aims to intercept the radar signal and analyze its characteristics like frequency, pulse width, pulse repetition interval, amplitude and also its direction of arrival. Today’s modern radars are employing pulse compression to achieve low probability of intercept features. To analyze such radar signal, signal processing algorithm needs to be implemented in hardware. The digital receiver hardware is based on Fast Fourier Transform which provides processing gain over analog receiver. The Intermediate Frequency form RF front end in the range of 750 to 1250 MHZ forming the input to the digital receiver The IF is digitalized using Analog to Digital Converter and processed using FPGA in the digital receiver by implementing FFT to extract the parameters like Frequency Amplitude, pulse width, PRI. The DOA is computed based on base Line Interferometry technique. In this four channels are to extract the DOA. The BLI technique implemented in FPGA provides very fine DF accuracy in order of 10 RMS. The algorithm will be tested in real time for signals like pulse CW, Chirp, FM CW, phase Coded Rader signals. The Project involves literature survey, simulation of BLI, development of VHDL code for the Digital receiver, Implementation of BLI algorithm in FPGA. The system consists of base line interferometry configuration for high accuracy direction finding measurement with sector selection based on amplitude direction finding technique. Advanced signal processing algorithms with time frequency analysis are implemented in real time in field programmable gate array to extract all the basic as well as advanced parameters of frequency and phase modulations such as chirp, barker, and poly-phase (Frank, P1-P4) codes in addition to the pulse and continuous wave signals. The intercepted intrapulse modulated signal parameters have been extracted with very high accuracy and sensitivity.
EW-Electronic Warfare, ESMElectronic Support Measure, DSP-Digital Signal Processing, FFT-Fast Fourier Transform, FPGAField Programmable Gate Array, MATLABMatrix Laboratory, VHDL- Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language Intra pulse Modulation
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