Advanced The Quality of Temperature Control of Batch Reactor using The Hybrid Fuzzy Controller

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering |
© 2020 by SSRG - IJECE Journal |
Volume 7 Issue 11 |
Year of Publication : 2020 |
Authors : Nguyen Duc Dien, Tran Ngoc Son, Roan Van Hoa, Vu Viet Thong, Pham Van Minh |
How to Cite?
Nguyen Duc Dien, Tran Ngoc Son, Roan Van Hoa, Vu Viet Thong, Pham Van Minh, "Advanced The Quality of Temperature Control of Batch Reactor using The Hybrid Fuzzy Controller," SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, vol. 7, no. 11, pp. 1-6, 2020. Crossref,
Batch reactors are widely used in the processing industry, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals. To create output for batch reactor concentration and quality assurance following design productivity, we need to control the reactor's temperature following technological requirements. Characteristics of the process in a batch reactor is a nonlinear system, not working at an equilibrium that works mainly in the dynamic process. Content in this paper, we use a hybrid fuzzy controller to control the temperature of batch reactors.
Batch Reactor, fuzzy controller, hybrid fuzzy controller.
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