SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering ( IJEEE )

Editor in Chief | Prof. Dr. C. K. Chanda |
Department of Electrical Engineering, | |
Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, | |
India. | |
E-ISSN | 2348-8379 |
Publication Frequency | 12 Issue per Year |
Publisher | Seventh Sense Research Group® |
Paper Submission id | |
The SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SSRG-IJEEE) is a Scopus indexed open access, double-blind peer-reviewed journal devoted to publishing original scientific articles on research and development in all fields of Electrical and Electronics.
Aim and Scope:
It is the policy of the SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering - IJEEE to publish a variety of contributions to the science and practice of electrical and electronics engineering. The journal welcomes publications of high-quality papers on theoretical developments and practical applications in electrical and electronics engineering. Articles that form the scientific basis for further development in these areas, as well as original articles with specific solutions of engineering problems are also approved. The journal promotes application of ideas from different areas of electrical & electronics engineering in other technical fields, working towards better solutions to different problems in modern science.
The objective of this Journal is to present a forum for discussion and testing of techniques of modelling, calculation, experimental validation and development of new electrical devices and systems with improved technical, economic and environmental performance, as well as expanding the scope of their industrial use. SSRG-IJEEE is a scientific interdisciplinary, application-oriented publication that offers to the researchers, professionals, industrial practitioners scientists, electrical/electronic engineers, technicians, graduate students and scholars the possibility to disseminate their novel and original scientific and research contributions in the field of electrical and electronics engineering.
The topics are included but are not necessarily restricted to:-
- Analog & Digital Electronics
- Antennas and Propagation
- Automation and Control
- Artificial Intelligence
- Bioelectronics, Optoelectronics and Organic Electronics
- Circuit theory and Applications
- Condition Monitoring and Instrumentation
- Control systems, Robotics and Automation
- Controllers, Drives and Machine Design
- Electric Traction and Vehicles
- Electrical & Magnetic fields problems
- Electrical Engineering Materials
- Electrical Machines and Transformers
- Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation
- Electrical Power Engineering
- Electrical Science
- Electro Mechanical Conversion and Mechatronics
- Electromagnetic Field Theory and Applications
- Electron devices, Electro heat
- Electronic Sensors and Actuators
- Electronic circuits, Theory and Testing
- Electronics, Microelectronics and Photonics
- Electro-physics and Electromagnetism
- Embedded Systems Electronics
- Electrical Energy Conservation
- Electrical Energy Economics
- Flexible Electronics
- Fuel cells, Micro machines, Hybrid vehicles
- High Voltage Insulation Techniques
- High-Power Semiconductors
- HVDC Transmission
- Hybrid Renewable Energy
- Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine learning
- Image, Signal, Video analysis and Processing
- Biomedical instrumentation
- Micromachines and Microprocessors
- Microwave and Millimetre-wave Techniques
- National Electric Power Strategies
- Photovoltaic Power Production
- Power Electronics, Quality and Systems
- Radio Communication and Telematics Services
- Realization of Antenna Systems
- Realization of Microwave, Radar and Sonar systems
- RF Electronics
- Semiconductors and Semiconductor Devices
- Smart Grids
- Telecommunications
- Utilization of Electrical Energy
- Wearable Technologies
- Wired and wireless communication systems
The topics are included but are not necessarily restricted to:-
- Full-length original research papers of significant contributions
- Comprehensive and in-depth reviews on emerging techniques and methodologies
- Short communications on novel perspectives and breaking advancements in engineering applications.
- Tutorial survey type papers reviewing some fields of Electronics and Communication engineering
- Technical notes on projects, codes and standards are also welcomed.
All articles are subject to compulsory double-blind peer review. Articles are peer-reviewed by independent subject matter experts. The fundamental criteria of acceptance for all types of papers will be the intellectual and professional worth of the contribution.
Authors Geographical Coverage :
China, Ghana, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, India, Nigeria, Japan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Iran, Egypt, Iraq, Pakistan, Indonesia, Africa, Spain, UAE, USA, Saudi Arabia, France, etc.