Automatic Solar Tracking System with SFFB Converter

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
© 2017 by SSRG - IJEEE Journal
Volume 4 Issue 2
Year of Publication : 2017
Authors : X.Benedict Priyanka, R.Suresh Kumar
How to Cite?

X.Benedict Priyanka, R.Suresh Kumar, "Automatic Solar Tracking System with SFFB Converter," SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 4,  no. 2, pp. 23-26, 2017. Crossref,


In the proposed system, the solar panel is fixed adjacent to a street light. The panel is tilted according to the suns position and the energy is saved in the battery producing maximum output for solar powered applications. Solar tracker is designed with LDR’s and permanent magnet dc motor. The stored energy is used for street lights. A high step up dc-dc converter which has series connected forwardfly back converter using transformer technology to increase the performance with an advantage of high power conversion efficiency and high system reliability. The system is automated and the process is done by the microcontroller with help of LDR.


 Photovoltaic panel, Light Dependent Resistor, SFFB converter, Maximum Power Point Tracker, Battery Microcontroller.


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