Theoretical Foundations of Fractality of Electric Breakdown Discharge in Diodes

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
© 2021 by SSRG - IJEEE Journal
Volume 8 Issue 4
Year of Publication : 2021
Authors : Oleksandr Fyk, Olena Novykova, Honchar Roman
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Oleksandr Fyk, Olena Novykova, Honchar Roman, "Theoretical Foundations of Fractality of Electric Breakdown Discharge in Diodes," SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 8,  no. 4, pp. 15-18, 2021. Crossref,


The article presents the theoretical foundations for describing the processes that determine the fractal nature of the breakdown of dielectrics, during which an electric charge flows through a fractal tree from one electrode to the second. To construct a phenomenological theory for describing the process of branching of a fractal tree, a model for describing the motion of a flow uncompensated in charge between two electrodes with equal potentials is considered. It is proved in this work that, at threshold values of the discharge parameters, a Pierce instability arises, which at the nonlinear stage leads to “blocking” of the flow and, thereby, to the appearance of a scattering center. In general, this is scattering in the transverse direction. In the mode with the formation of narrow channels of current propagation, the spread in the transverse direction does not occur symmetrically but with the branching of the current channels. The branching process has a probabilistic nature, in particular, in the direction of the newly created branches and, therefore, the dielectric breakdown is a process of random growth of branches of a fractal discharge tree. The article mathematically (10) confirms that the discharge reaches a quasi-stationary state. The current flowing through the first current channels at one electrode is distributed over many branches of the channel tree at the second electrode.
On the basis of the developed models of the discharge, it is possible to develop recommendations both on the possibility of preventing the occurrence of a discharge in diodes and on the development of a controlled discharge of the discharge in any dielectric structures of radio engineering and electronic devices.


Fractal discharge, Laminar stage, Space charge, Current channel, Dielectric, Diode.


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