Economic Status of Rickshaw Pullers (Cycle) - A Case Study in North Lakhimpur Town, Assam, India
International Journal of Economics and Management Studies |
© 2017 by SSRG - IJEMS Journal |
Volume 4 Issue 4 |
Year of Publication : 2017 |
Authors : Dadul Rajkonwar |
How to Cite?
Dadul Rajkonwar, "Economic Status of Rickshaw Pullers (Cycle) - A Case Study in North Lakhimpur Town, Assam, India," SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 46-50, 2017. Crossref,
Rickshaw pullers are found in different cities and towns of India. They can carry people where the transportation by other means is not available. It has been observed from the study that most of the rickshaw pullers are too poor to own a new rickshaw. It has also been observed that a significant number of rickshaw pullers worked hard to survive as their daily incomes are very meager. The study has observed that most of the rickshaw pullers’ savings are very little. The study found that overall economic condition of rickshaw pullers is not satisfactory in the study area. The study is a humble attempt to highlight economic status of cycle rickshaw pullers based on the primary data collected from field survey and secondary data collected from books, journals, magazines, internet etc.
Transportation,poor, survive, economic condition,satisfactory.
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