Negative Emotional Experiences in Second Language Learning: A Study of Autobiographical Narratives among Chinese ESL Learners

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science
© 2018 by SSRG - IJHSS Journal
Volume 5 Issue 4
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Lay Shi Ng, Azianura Hani Shaari and Chun Keat Yeap
How to Cite?

Lay Shi Ng, Azianura Hani Shaari and Chun Keat Yeap, "Negative Emotional Experiences in Second Language Learning: A Study of Autobiographical Narratives among Chinese ESL Learners," SSRG International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, vol. 5,  no. 4, pp. 11-17, 2018. Crossref,


Research on second language learning has expanded enormously since its inception. Many studies related to second language learning have discussed how psychological factors particularly emotions affect a learner’s motivation. But despite all that, little is known about the antecedents of these emotions in second language learning. The present study therefore explored the negative emotional experiences as the antecedents of various emotions and the effects on Chinese ESL Learners. This discursive study employed a qualitative design to gain an understanding of how negative emotions that were caused by negative emotional learning experiences affect a person’s attitudes and motivation in English language learning. 14 Chinese adults with relatively limited English proficiency spoke, by way of Autobiographical Memory Interview (recall of events and facts from one’s past), about their negative emotional experiences while learning and using the language during the past 20-25 years and how these experiences have impacted them psychologically and changed their attitudes and motivation in the English language learning process. The findings revealed that the learners’ negative emotional learning experiences shape their negative emotions and learning attitudes, and predispose them to become demotivated in learning English.


antecedents, negative emotional learning experiences, emotions, attitudes, motivation.


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