The Influence of the Quality of Questions And Self-Regulated Learning toward Students’ Learning Outcomes

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science
© 2018 by SSRG - IJHSS Journal
Volume 5 Issue 4
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Antonius Denny Cahyo Sulistiono, Dr.Mohammad Na’im, M.Pd, Prof. Dr.Bambang Soepeno, M.Pd
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Antonius Denny Cahyo Sulistiono, Dr.Mohammad Na’im, M.Pd, Prof. Dr.Bambang Soepeno, M.Pd, "The Influence of the Quality of Questions And Self-Regulated Learning toward Students’ Learning Outcomes," SSRG International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, vol. 5,  no. 4, pp. 22-26, 2018. Crossref,


Understanding learning material in more depth will be more efficient when it is done by asking qualified questions and self-regulated learning. The main issue in this research is whether present or not the significant influence of: the quality of questions toward the learning outcomes, the self-regulated learning toward learning outcomes, and the quality of questions together with the self-regulated learning towards the learning outcomes. The research design model used in this research is correlational ex post facto research. The number of students studied is the total population of 149 students. Data were obtained from the questionnaire answers and the report cards. The data were analyzed using multivariate regression statistic formula. The results showed that: (1) the influence of quality questions toward learning outcomes was 0.243 with significance value 0.001; (2) the influence of self-regulated learning toward learning outcomes was 0.610 with significance value 0.000; (3) the influence of quality of questions together with self-regulated learning toward learning outcomes is 40,9%. The influence of the quality of questions toward learning outcomes is low. It is possibly caused by traditional teacher-centered learning methods, by being afraid of lossing face or lossing of reputation, and by cultural values respecting the role of teachers through being passive. The self-regulated learning strongly influences learning outcomes. This self-regulated learning often results from the very high learning compulsion by teachers.


 influence, learning, learning outcomes, self-regulated learning, quality of questions.


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