You said "Bingerville, unhealthy commune"? Explanatory and analytical elements

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science
© 2019 by SSRG - IJHSS Journal
Volume 6 Issue 6
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : Fofana Memon, N’Dri Kouamé Abou, Sangaré Moussa
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Fofana Memon, N’Dri Kouamé Abou, Sangaré Moussa, "You said "Bingerville, unhealthy commune"? Explanatory and analytical elements," SSRG International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, vol. 6,  no. 6, pp. 35-42, 2019. Crossref,


Unsafe which designates the character of what is unhealthy, what is "bad" and harmful to health and social interaction is a real public health and environmental problems. It is all the more important in our country it has now become the focal point of much debate, seminars and numerous conferences nationally and internationally. This unhealthy affects most vulnerable residents especially those in urban areas.
In Côte d’Ivoire, the populations of cities including those of the common Bingerville live in unsanitary daily despite the actions of the Mayor of the commune. Indeed, garbage fill the streets, gutters and around houses that contribute to the occurrence of serious diseases.It is on this basis that this article attempts to provide answers Ala persistent unsanitary conditions in the city of Bingerville second historic capital of Côte d’Ivoire.
The results suggest that persistent unsanitary conditions in the town is due at least in two main levels: first, the persistence of unhealthy food is explained by the behavior associated with the weakness of communal action (collection); secondly, it is explained by the low level of health awareness of the population renforcépar rapid population growth experienced by the town since the end of the post-crisis Electorale of 2010. In terms of methodology, the article is based on a qualitative study based on semi strcturés interviews and focus groups.


health, unhealthy, Bingerville, Town Hall, Population


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