Provision of Rehabilitation Services to People with Physical Impairment in Bahir Dar Physical Rehabilitation Center, North West Ethiopia

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science
© 2020 by SSRG - IJHSS Journal
Volume 7 Issue 4
Year of Publication : 2020
Authors : Dires Addis, Hayelom Abadi Mesele
How to Cite?

Dires Addis, Hayelom Abadi Mesele, "Provision of Rehabilitation Services to People with Physical Impairment in Bahir Dar Physical Rehabilitation Center, North West Ethiopia," SSRG International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, vol. 7,  no. 4, pp. 111-119, 2020. Crossref,


The purpose of this study was to explore provisions of rehabilitation service in Bahir Dar Physical Rehabilitation Center. Types of rehabilitation service, main challenges and strategies used to solve the problems were the specific objectives of this study. Qualitative research approach and case study design were employed. Multiple data sources which include in-depth interview and key informant interview were used to generate the relevant data. This study employed purposive sampling methods in order to incorporate participants based on their knowledge, expressing ability, and voluntarism. Thematic types of data analysis was used to categorize and labeled ideas in to meaningful themes through the process of transcribing, translating, categorizing, thematizing and interpreting of data. This study found that provisions of basic necessities, transportation cost coverage, physiotherapy, artificial limb and leg replacement service,(prosthesis and orthotic service), provision of walking aid were provided for physically impaired people attended at BPRC. The main challenges of BPRC found to be financial constraints, scarcity of man power, shortage of training service, information gap, lack of locally owned workshops, shortage of technologies and absence of community based rehabilitation program. Besides, to reduce the effect of the aforementioned challenges, promoting partnership and collaboration, strengthening outreach program, conducting beneficiary assessment were identified. This study concluded that attention needs to be given for people with physical impairment and legal frameworks need to be implemented at grass root level to create disability friendly environment.


Disability, people with physical impairment, Provision, rehabilitation services


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