Human Rights in Ghana: Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) and their Access to Public Infrastructure in Winneba

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science
© 2021 by SSRG - IJHSS Journal
Volume 8 Issue 3
Year of Publication : 2021
Authors : Godwin Attobra
How to Cite?

Godwin Attobra, "Human Rights in Ghana: Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) and their Access to Public Infrastructure in Winneba," SSRG International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, vol. 8,  no. 3, pp. 62-72, 2021. Crossref,


The study examined Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) and their access to public infrastructure in Winneba, Ghana. The research was a case study moulded in the interpretivist paradigm and adopted a qualitative approach. Fifteen respondents were purposively sampled basically to avoid receiving vague information. A semi-structured interview guide was employed as data collection instrument and the data analyzed thematically. The data gathered from the respondents reveal that twelve years after the enacting of the Disability Act, the township of Winneba is still engulfed with so many artificial barriers ranging from open gutters to absence of ramps and pavement. The study concludes that there is no difference between the infrastructural development after and before the Act. The study has as part of its recommendations that Parliament consider revisiting the Persons with Disabilities Act (PDA) of Ghana (Act 715) since the ten-year moratorium has ended to put new measures in place to make sure that the Act does not just remain in books but is implemented fully. It further recommended that as the country is trying to ease the means of transportation through Metro-bus transit system, we think of the physically challenged and make provisions for kneel-down buses in the country.


Access, Disabilities, Human Rights, Persons, Public Infrastructure.


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