Tradition of Aiyyappa God in Kodagu Culture

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science
© 2016 by SSRG - IJHSS Journal
Volume 3 Issue 6
Year of Publication : 2016
Authors : Dr. K.P. Lalitha
How to Cite?

Dr. K.P. Lalitha, "Tradition of Aiyyappa God in Kodagu Culture," SSRG International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, vol. 3,  no. 6, pp. 9-10, 2016. Crossref,


With the decline of the Roman empire, the spice trade with the Kerala coast was taken over by the Arabs, long before the advent of Islam itself. Precisely when Islam came to Kerala is not definitively known. But Arabic tradition suggests that a few missionaries sent out by the Prophet in his fifty - seventh year might have reached Kerala. If this is true, Islam might have entered Kerala in the seventh century Itself.


 Around the Mosques which began to be constructed, colonies of Muslims grew up and owing to the continuance of the mercantile tradition of the Arabs, these colonies became important commercial centers linking the west coast with west Asia and North Africa.


[1] Mysore and Coorg. Vol. III - Coorg. Editor - Benjamin Lewis Rice
[2] Gazetteer of Coorg. - G. Richter 
[3] A study of the Origins of Coorgs by Lt. Col. K.C. Ponnappa - 1997.
[4] The Coorgs and their Origins by M.P. Cariappa and Ponnamma Cariappa  - 1981.
[5] Kodavas and their Gala and Lela - by I.M. Muthanna - 1987.
[6] Archaeology of Coorg by Dr. K.K. Subbayya - 1978.
[7] Caste and Tribes of south India - Edgar Thuston - 1909.
[8] Religion and Society among the Coorgs of South India - by M.N. Srinivas - 1951.