Risk Level Assessment of Pipelines using a Combination of Analytical Network Process and Risk Based Inspection Methods

International Journal of Industrial Engineering |
© 2018 by SSRG - IJIE Journal |
Volume 5 Issue 3 |
Year of Publication : 2018 |
Authors : Mobin and Hari Purnomo |
How to Cite?
Mobin and Hari Purnomo, "Risk Level Assessment of Pipelines using a Combination of Analytical Network Process and Risk Based Inspection Methods," SSRG International Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 19-27, 2018. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23499362/IJIE-V5I3P104
Using pipelines is the most effective and efficient way to transport oil and gas to an intended destination. However, pipelines also pose risks to humans, the environment and business interests. This research study assessed the level of pipeline risk of PT X. As such, it aimed to identify the efficacy of inspection and maintenance planning using a priority scale based on the ranking of the causes of failure. A combination of Analytical Network Process (ANP) and Risk-based Inspection (RBI) methods was used to assess the risk level of pipeline failure. The results using the ANP method showed that corrosion (44.64%) is the main factor causing failure to the pipelines. The atmospheric corrosion subfactor is one of the corrosion factors that contributed to pipeline failure (16.12%). Safety is the most significant consequence of the impact of pipeline failure (51.54%). Furthermore, by applying the RBI method, the Probability of Failure (PoF) value was calculated to be 1.2028 and the Consequence of Failure (CoF) value was 4.290, resulting in a risk level of 4 on the risk matrix order of 6 x 6. Inspection and maintenance programmes should pay special attention to the corrosion factors and the atmospheric corrosion subfactors in order to reduce the risk level associated with pipeline failure.
capacitated production planning problem; stochastic demand; simulation; cyclic coordinate method.
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