Maintenance Modularity Optimization using Clustering Algorithm: Application

International Journal of Industrial Engineering
© 2020 by SSRG - IJIE Journal
Volume 7 Issue 1
Year of Publication : 2020
Authors : Ngnassi Djami Aslain Brisco, Nzié Wolfgang, DokaYamigno Serge
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Ngnassi Djami Aslain Brisco, Nzié Wolfgang, DokaYamigno Serge, "Maintenance Modularity Optimization using Clustering Algorithm: Application," SSRG International Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol. 7,  no. 1, pp. 12-24, 2020. Crossref,


For a given product, knowledge of its modular architecture has the advantage of facilitating maintenance. Indeed, during a maintenance problem,
we will not act on all the product except on the module concerned and we would also gain time to detect the defect observed. Due to the major difficulties of maintenance of complex topology systems, modular design is therefore an asset for companies.On the other hand, the modular design
although with the advantages of standardization and reconfigurability is enormously expensive, which could require more resources, more time and more work designers. This has consequences for product maintenance because the more robust or dense product modules, the more expensive the
maintenance. This paper will therefore be used to deploy a clustering algorithm that will be subdivided into several steps in order to evaluate the coupling cost of the product modules in order to identify the most constraining modules for the design and consequently for maintenance.


Maintenance, Modularity, Clustering, Design Structure Matrix, Module Strength Indicator.


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