A Health-Giving Method about Desktop and Web Application

International Journal of Mobile Computing and Application |
© 2018 by SSRG - IJMCA Journal |
Volume 5 Issue 1 |
Year of Publication : 2018 |
Authors : Adefolake and Daluchi |
How to Cite?
Adefolake and Daluchi, "A Health-Giving Method about Desktop and Web Application," SSRG International Journal of Mobile Computing and Application, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 14-17, 2018. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23939141/IJMCA-V5I1P103
The difficulty of computer architectures, software, web requests, and its huge spread worldwide using the internet and the fast growth in the amount of users in companion with the increase of maintenance cost are all factors guided numerous investigators to improve software, web requests and systems that have the capacity of self-healing. The goal of the self-healing software feature is to fast recover the request and retain it successively and obtainable for24/7 as best as probable. This review delivers an indication of self-healing software and scheme that is particularly useful in all of those conditions in which the contribution of humans is expensive and hard to improve and wants to be automated with self-healing. There are different appearances which will type us escalate the different supports of these self-healing arrangements. Lastly, the approaches, methods, mechanisms and dispersed entrances of self-healing are categorized in different attitudes and then shortened.
Computer Architecture, Self-Healing Systems, Self-Healing Principles, Software Self-Healing, Web-Self-Healing
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