Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Friction Welded Stainless Steel alloy 304 and Aluminium alloy 6063 joint

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
© 2019 by SSRG - IJME Journal |
Volume 6 Issue 12 |
Year of Publication : 2019 |
Authors : Balwinder Singh, Jagjeet Singh Chatha , Pargeet Chauhan |
How to Cite?
Balwinder Singh, Jagjeet Singh Chatha , Pargeet Chauhan, "Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Friction Welded Stainless Steel alloy 304 and Aluminium alloy 6063 joint," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 11-14, 2019. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23488360/IJME-V6I12P103
The aim of the present research paper is the Investigation of Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Welded Joint of Stainless Steel 304 and Aluminium alloy 6063 by Friction Welding Process. The aluminum alloy 6063 and stainless steel alloy 304 was successfully welded with the friction welding process. The friction welding process was performed on a lathe machine with a Special fixture. Friction time and forge pressure are the two parameters that varied for specimens, and the rest remain constant. All samples of aluminum alloy 6063 and stainless steel alloy 304 prepared using friction welding technique with different parameters were examined with the help of x-ray radiography mainly at the weld joint to observe any defects. The Tensile test, X-ray radiography, and microstructure analysis were performed to relate the weld joint properties. It was revealed that the aluminum alloy matrix shows fine grain structure, and stainless steel alloy structure remains uniform, which leads to sound weld joint and good weld strength. The X-Ray Radiography was performed to analyze the various internal defects like porosity, concavities, cracks, cold laps, slag, etc. The highest tensile strength was found for a joint fabricated at forge pressure 85 kg/cm2 and friction time 40 seconds, and the lowest tensile strength was found for a joint welded at forge pressure 75 kg/cm2 and friction time 40 second.
Steel 304, Aluminium 6063, Tensile strength, X-ray radiography.
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