Design And Analysis Of Two Wheeler Suspension Spring

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
© 2020 by SSRG - IJME Journal
Volume 7 Issue 1
Year of Publication : 2020
Authors : Mr.MohanKumar N, Mr.Kalaimegam D, Dr.Saravanan P
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Mr.MohanKumar N, Mr.Kalaimegam D, Dr.Saravanan P, "Design And Analysis Of Two Wheeler Suspension Spring," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 7,  no. 1, pp. 32-36, 2020. Crossref,


In modern trends of the automobile industry, the ride comfort for drivers is the safety and suspension performance of a vehicle. In vehicles, vibration is one-factor causing damages to the base of the vehicle, wear and tear, etc. Vibration control is a major factor to satisfy customers. In this study, the suspension system in the vehicle is the main component to control the vibration. From the concept of suspension system in a vehicle, there are different approaches in the suspension system such as to modified design in suspension, the alternate system instead of the conventional method, Material changing, etc.
In this work from the suspension system, spring is playing an important component that withstands the load and causes vibration. Analytical work is carried out by changing the material properties of the spring resulted from that vibration has reduced in composite material. The existing material in the suspension spring is a steel alloy that withstands vibration to a certain limit beyond that it gets failed and breaks. To overcome such a problem in this work we propose new material based on MMC (Carbon Steel 50%, Copper 25%, and Magnesium 25%). By validating the analytical result structurally by deformation, equivalent stress, and dynamically observed vibration, etc. Finally, the Comparative analysis has derived and concluded for the feasible material in spring manufacturing. Modeling work is done with SOLIDWORKS Software and analysis is carried out with ANSYS software which is best for FEM.


Two Wheeler, Spring


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