Prediction Model for DI Diesel Engine: Combustion

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
© 2021 by SSRG - IJME Journal
Volume 8 Issue 1
Year of Publication : 2021
Authors : Rajesh Kumar Prasad
How to Cite?

Rajesh Kumar Prasad, "Prediction Model for DI Diesel Engine: Combustion," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 8,  no. 1, pp. 1-7, 2021. Crossref,


Diesel engines are more efficient engines over a century, but the major problem associated with it is the NOx-PM trade-off. Nowadays, controlling this trade-off becomes a challenge due to the limitation of adiabatic flame temperature measurement and the achievement of strict emission norms. This study focuses on developing a simulation tool for predicting combustion phenomena, rate of heat release, and heat transfer from the cylinder without experimentation that consumes labor, time, and cost. A zero-dimensional predictive model is proposed after large numbers of trial & error with selection and coupling of appropriate combustion phenomena. Selected combustion prediction models are further validated for turbocharged diesel engines with experimentation at various loads (50% to 100%) and speeds (1400 rpm and 2200 rpm). It was observed that deviation of peak pressures at 100% load both at 2200 rpm & 1400 rpm are 9% and 3.4%, respectively, but the deviations in at Part loads, i.e., 75% and 50%load are negligible at 2200 rpm while 2.8% and 6% respectively at 1400 rpm.


Zero-dimensional combustion model, DI diesel engine, Ignition Delay, Rate of Heat Release (ROHR)


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