Implementation of Fuzzy Inference System to Determine Production of Bakpia Using Tsukamoto Method

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
© 2021 by SSRG - IJME Journal
Volume 8 Issue 12
Year of Publication : 2021
Authors : Nuniek Herawati, Risma A. Simanjuntak
How to Cite?

Nuniek Herawati, Risma A. Simanjuntak, "Implementation of Fuzzy Inference System to Determine Production of Bakpia Using Tsukamoto Method," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 8,  no. 12, pp. 1-4, 2021. Crossref,


The marketing process is closely related to several integrated activities, including determining the target market, using promotional items, placing items correctly. On the other hand, cases of selling products that are of no quality or have expired for safe use are therefore referred to as expired products. This incident has a bad impact on the community as consumers because they are the aggrieved parties, and sellers and producers will receive complaints about their products that are not of good quality, which is likely to reduce sales turnover in the future.
The Yogyakarta Portrait Company is a company that produces bak pia, which has an expiration date. Bakpia Potret's quality targets are good quality materials, timely delivery, efficient costs and good service with a fast response. Therefore, to manage the amount of Production based on Demand will use the Fuzzy Tsukamoto Method so that the accumulation of production can be as small as possible and can be avoided. The Fuzzy Tsukamoto method is a method that has tolerance for data and is very flexible. In the Tsukamoto method, each rule is represented by a fuzzy set with a monotonic membership function called fuzzification.
The results of the calculation in the study show the correlation between Production and Demand is 0.99. This shows the amount of Production is affected or a very strong relationship with Demand. The correlation value is 0.99 > 0 (positive), meaning that the greater the demand for, the greater the number of productions. The form of the rule or rules that are made can show the actual conditions so that it can be used as a decision-making tool in terms of producing goods, namely bak pia at the Bakpia Portrait Jogjakarta enterprise.


Expired, demand, production, fuzzy Tsukamoto.


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