Calculation Analysis of Heat Transfer on the Surface of Engine Cylinders with Unequal Size of Material and Expanded Surfaces

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
© 2022 by SSRG - IJME Journal |
Volume 9 Issue 2 |
Year of Publication : 2022 |
Authors : Vipin Mehta, Sanjay Kateray, P L Verma |
How to Cite?
Vipin Mehta, Sanjay Kateray, P L Verma, "Calculation Analysis of Heat Transfer on the Surface of Engine Cylinders with Unequal Size of Material and Expanded Surfaces," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 1-8, 2022. Crossref,
The use of vehicles in daily life for some enterprise and domestic applications has expanded considerably, so the engine cycle running time is exceptionally longer. In this way, due to the continuous movement, a large amount of heat is produced. When this heat is not transmitted properly, the engine becomes brittle very quickly, and the life of the engine is reduced due to the development of heat. To extend the life of the engine, the heat dissipation is expanded by finning the outside of the engine room. The texture of the fin and the material used for the fin increase its heat dissipation capacity and increase cooling for proper operation of the engine. Current work 2 - Focuses on the design of circular and tapered wings for the engine. The temperature distribution and heat dissipation on the end surface of the two shapes were observed by steady-state thermal analysis. Alusil and silumin were selected as fin materials, and computational evaluation was also performed using FEM. Based on the results of the FEM examination and the comparison of the current size and material of the fin with the appropriate material, the optimal shape of the fin is selected.
FEM, fin effectiveness, fin efficiency, Temperature distribution, Thermal analysis.
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