The Effect of Design Parameters on the Discharge of a Transparent Cylinder Single-Acting Reciprocating Pump

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
© 2023 by SSRG - IJME Journal
Volume 10 Issue 6
Year of Publication : 2023
Authors : Ekong Godwin I., Essien Promise J., Udom Evans J.
How to Cite?

Ekong Godwin I., Essien Promise J., Udom Evans J., "The Effect of Design Parameters on the Discharge of a Transparent Cylinder Single-Acting Reciprocating Pump," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 10,  no. 6, pp. 20-28, 2023. Crossref,


This project presents the Effect of Design Parameters on the Discharge of a Single-acting Reciprocating Pump for use in the Mechanical Engineering laboratory of the Akwa Ibom State University (AKSU). The project provides a portable positive displacement pump for demonstrating the movement of fluids in the laboratory. The component consists of atransparent piston-cylinder assembly, suction pipe, delivery pipe, suction valve, delivery valve, crank, and connecting rod mechanism powered by an electric motor. During the operation of this apparatus, there will be visual movement of the piston during the suction and delivery stroke per each cycle. The pump piston has a diameter of 0.100 m, a stroke length of 0.305 m, and a designed speed of 20 r.p.m. The suction head and delivery are 0.762 m and 1.585 m, respectively. The practical operations were performed, and data was collected. The reciprocating pump principles were applied for the pressure head analysis during the suction and delivery strokes. The parametric analysis carried out includes the acceleration head during the suction stroke at the beginning of the delivery stroke and the pressure head in the middle of the stroke and at the end of the suction stroke. Analyses were performed, and the results indicate a pump discharge of delivery.0008 m3/s with work done by the pump of 18.40 Nm/sec. Further studies were performed for four different piston diameters, stroke lengths, and speeds. The results were used in the computation analysis for the discharge and work done by the pump.


Pressure, Suction, Delivery, Single-acting, Reciprocating, Pump.


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