Improvement in the Capacity of K-Ion Battery to Supply V-I Capacity in Renewable Technology

International Journal of Material Science and Engineering |
© 2021 by SSRG - IJMSE Journal |
Volume 7 Issue 3 |
Year of Publication : 2021 |
Authors : Toqeer Ahmed, Muhammad Rafique, Irfan Ahmed, Rasool Akhter |
How to Cite?
Toqeer Ahmed, Muhammad Rafique, Irfan Ahmed, Rasool Akhter, "Improvement in the Capacity of K-Ion Battery to Supply V-I Capacity in Renewable Technology," SSRG International Journal of Material Science and Engineering, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 1-8, 2021. Crossref,
The increase in power consumption has increase the power generation technologies in sustainable manners which leads the renewable energy sources to generate power, but the main issue is to store that generated energy for the future use, this opens the research doors in batteries design for the best performance and long life. From last decays the most research work is going on the K-Ion batteries (PIBs) because of the K-Ion size (1.38Å) which is large than Li-ion (0.76 Å) in radius the carbon-based materials are under consideration for the design of electrode anode. In this work we will observe the properties of K-ion anode based on some modified 1D CNTs materials. With the help of doping electrochemical properties of Carbon based anode can be improved, which enhance the capacity of k ion battery, deliver more energy when connected with load and improves its stability. The discovery of new 1D materials could lead to a better energy storage device, which could help to overcome the limitations of non-conventional energy sources like solar and wind. This piece of work focuses on the main issue of energy storage. The choice of a potassium ion battery is significant due to its numerous advantages over other types of batteries.
K-ion Batteries; Doping; CNTs 1D materials;
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