Transformerless Inverter with Interleaved Boost Converter for Single Phase PV systems

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
© 2019 by SSRG - IJEEE Journal
Volume 6 Issue 5
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : ThasleenaMariyam P, Dr.Babu Paul,Kiran Boby
How to Cite?

ThasleenaMariyam P, Dr.Babu Paul,Kiran Boby, "Transformerless Inverter with Interleaved Boost Converter for Single Phase PV systems," SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 6,  no. 5, pp. 44-48, 2019. Crossref,


Recently, there is a strong trend in the Photovoltaic(PV) inverter technology to usetransformerless topologies in order to acquire higher efficiencies combining with very low ground leakage current.The photovoltaic cells which give very low output voltage,so that a DC-DC boost converter has to connected with PV source inorder to increasethe available voltage. Here a PV system is proposed which consist of a DC-DC boostconverter with MPPT algorithm. Boost converter suffers from large input currentripple. Inorder to improve the efficiency of converter and reduce the ripple current, aninterleaved boost converter is used. An interleaved boost converter consists ofseveral boost converters connected in parallel with same switching frequency and aphase shift of 180 degree. A modified transformerless inverter with interleaved boostconverter for a grid connected PV system is implemented in this work. The neutralof grid can be directly connected to the negative terminal of the source (PV). Asimple unipolar sinusoidal pulse width modulation technique is used to modulate theinverter to minimise switching losses, output current ripple and filter requirements.In this work peturb and observe method is used to extract the maximum possiblepower from solar panel. The topology is simulated in MATLAB/SIMULINK R2017asoftware. It is observed that the output of the inverter is 230V,50Hz AC that canbe directly connected to the grid. The converter is controlled using dsPIC30F2010controller. Experimental results obtained from a 10.2W converter prototype confirmthe theoretical considerations and the simulation results.


Solar Panel, Interleaved boost converter, Transformerless Inverter, P&O Method


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