Experimental Study on RC Exterior Beam Column Joint Retrofitted by Post Installation Technique

International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2022 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 9 Issue 12 |
Year of Publication : 2022 |
Authors : K. Padmanabham, L. Jaygadeep Sai |
How to Cite?
K. Padmanabham, L. Jaygadeep Sai, "Experimental Study on RC Exterior Beam Column Joint Retrofitted by Post Installation Technique," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 7-20, 2022. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23488352/IJCE-V9I12P102
An experimental study was conducted to evaluate the nonlinear performance of RC exterior beam-column joints under quasi-static test loads. Post Installation of Supplementary Anchorage (PISA) is a novel retrofitting technique introduced for retrofitting joints using the headed bar as supplementary anchorage. Three different configurations of anchorage systems terminated at the end of the exterior beam-column joint were considered for the experimental test program. The specimens of the test series are modeled for a 1/3 scale and series in two groups (Group-A, Group-B) control specimens (group-A) and retrofitted specimens (group-B). The configuration of three anchorage systems in group-A specimens is followed by a straight bar, 180-degree hook (IS 456:2000) and 90-degree ductile bend (IS 13920-2016). The post-retrofitting of group-A specimens is done using a novel PISA technique using an adhesive bond fastening technique against the retrofitting process. The test parameters are ultimate strength, principal stress, moment rotation, degraded stiffness, strain energy, and failure mechanics. The test variables are the configuration of anchorage and the presence of supplementary anchorage in the joint core. The test results are validated by using model analysis of ABAQUS software. The result concludes that a substantial improvement of the nonlinear properties of the retrofitted joint includes the relocation of the plastic hinge mechanism from the joint core to the beam region and the improvement of strain energy during failure. This study contributes significantly to the transformation of global failure to local failure in framed structures. Further, it also provides feasible solutions for implicit strengthening mechanisms in joint cores. Applications of this study also extended to rehabilitate the corrosion-damaged beam-column joints with post-installation techniques.
Beam-column joint, Configuration of anchorage, PISA technique, Implicit strengthening.
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