Geomatics techniques applied to auscultation of industrial structure: the case of oven 5 of SOCOCIM industries

International Journal of Civil Engineering
© 2015 by SSRG - IJCE Journal
Volume 2 Issue 11
Year of Publication : 2015
Authors : Alassane BA, Elhadji Bamba Diaw, Ibrahima Thiam, Hervé Blanchard, Grégoire Sissoko
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Alassane BA, Elhadji Bamba Diaw, Ibrahima Thiam, Hervé Blanchard, Grégoire Sissoko, "Geomatics techniques applied to auscultation of industrial structure: the case of oven 5 of SOCOCIM industries," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 2,  no. 11, pp. 12-20, 2015. Crossref,


To sustain technical ownership of its new industrial facilities and ensure the safety of people and equipment, SOCOCIM industries set up a monitoring system of new production units through auscultation service structures. This is to achieve mathematically predict the dynamic behavior of three-dimensional solid with a rotary kiln with a length of 50 m and weighing on full capacity over 1000 tons. To thwart any occurrence of disorders associated with high mechanical activity of the soil, a specific arrangement of the foundation mass was conducted by use of stochastic calculations.


Surveying, Geodesy, parametric Compensation, Listening, Time Series, autoregression model.


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