Developing a New Software Library for Super Calculations on Infinity Numbers while Providing Infinite Persistent Precision in the Technical Context of P versus NP whereas Programming on Artificial Intelligence

International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering |
© 2023 by SSRG - IJCSE Journal |
Volume 10 Issue 11 |
Year of Publication : 2023 |
Authors : Yassine Larbaoui |
How to Cite?
Yassine Larbaoui, "Developing a New Software Library for Super Calculations on Infinity Numbers while Providing Infinite Persistent Precision in the Technical Context of P versus NP whereas Programming on Artificial Intelligence," SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering , vol. 10, no. 11, pp. 49-62, 2023. Crossref,
This paper presents a new computation software library, which we developed for super arithmetic calculations and massive binary operations on infinity numbers that require more than 64 bits to be expressed by manifesting the possibility of expressing these numbers on infinite quantities of virtual bites reassembled in subgroups while providing infinite persistent precision. Then, we integrated this library into an application, which we named Super Infinity Calculator. We reinforced this software library with an Artificial Intelligence entity, which we programmed to manage the used hardware resources of processors and data storing memories during the executed calculations to handle infinity numbers while executing calculations on them in a short time. This Artificial Intelligence entity is incharge of forwarding computation on infinite subgroups of virtual bites in parallel and recursively when necessary while monitoring their results. The programmed functionalities of this Artificial Intelligence entity play a principal role in supporting the execution of computation calculations on super numbers with lengths exceeding Gigabytes and Terabytes while providing infinite persistent precision for each digit of them, including the ones after the floating point. As a result, these developed software resources allow us to shift various super calculations on infinity numbers from NP to P by executing them in the linear dimension of time instead of consuming exponential time.
Artificial Intelligence, Infinite persistent precision, Parallel computation, P Versus NP, Super computational calculations, Super infinity number.
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